Argh alarms & immobilisers!

18 Mar 2006
Well, my Datatool System 3 has decided to go fubar, and has completely immobilised my bike. I first thought it was a battery problem, going dead over winter, even though it was getting a turn over every now and then. So I went out today and bought a battery charger. After attaching the leads to the battery, I look at the charging unit, and see the battery is already showing as charged. So I borrow a multimeter from a mate, and notice it's still got life.

So cue me goggling the alarm, and how to do a full reset. Talk about bloody awkward. End up stripping all the fairing off the bike looking for the inline fuse, which I was unable to find. So I remove the fuses from the main fuse box that it could be connected to, then disconnect the correct wires from the alarm system itself, leave for 6 hours, then reconnect everything.... and still nothing!

Stupid Alarm.

Will be removing from my loom as of tomorrow, always been a bit of a pain in the arse, going off for no reason, usually the motion sensor going mental, even when it's on a stand, in the garage lol.

Just want to ride the bloody thing! hah.


Going to be ending up as a track bike soon enough, so the alarm won't be missed lol.
Gutted! Have fun getting it out of the loom :D

I had the same thing years ago on my SV, about 2 weeks into buying it, not impressed.
GRRRRR I feel your pain. Hate alarms and thankfully don't have one on my TDM.

I had the same one as you on my old Hornet 9 and it was a total PITA!
Gutted! Have fun getting it out of the loom :D

Apparently, it's not that hard, at least not to just get it out. Case of snipping around 10 wires that are connected to the loom cabling, then removing another two that have been put into the actual loom for the ignition & starter motor apparently, so just require re soldering lol.

Good Tuesday afternoon project :D.
I was worried about this too after getting ready for a ride on sunday only to find that the battery was totally and utterly dead. Optimate charger couldn't recover it, so obviously couldnt put it into service mode. I found the inline fuse and removed it, then put on a new battery, reconnected the fuse and luckily it all came back to life straight away :) I'd read all sorts of horror stories about it spiking etc.

I'm tempted to just remove mine - local dealer will do it for an hours work. Its not worth the hassle, and I dont think a 10 year old Blackbird is going to be top of the wanted bikes list anyway.
Never had a problem with the datatools myself , had them on my last 3 bikes! (optimate every couple of weeks)
Current bike didnt come alarmed, but ive literally just bought a Xena disc lock alarm as all i want is motion sensor/alarm, 35 squid off amazon bargain!
Worst thing about mine is that it operates via touchpad rather than a wireless remote fob (its the Datatool Duo). The touchpad is by the numberplate, so if I'm ever stuck in traffic (or waiting in a long line on a ferry for example) I either have to just leave the engine running or take the keys out, hop off the bike, disarm the immobiler then hop on and restart it again within 20 seconds.
I had grief with the Datatool Veto Evo that used to be fitted to my Gixxer, had a sparky out to remove it. He told me that it looked like someone wearing boxing gloves had fitted it.

The main problem is condensation getting into the alarm box, once it gets in, you may as well rip the lot out.
Well, pretty much stripped out the loom now. Just need to get my soldering iron out, and some heat shrink, and reconnect everything, put the fuel tank back on, and hopefully I'll be able to get out on it at least once before I go back to Germany lol.
I either have to just leave the engine running or take the keys out, hop off the bike, disarm the immobiler then hop on and restart it again within 20 seconds.

That's crazy!

I often wonder how useful having such a device is. On all of my newer bikes I've had various datatool alarms, and I can't help but think they've caused more problems for me than they've solved, esp when they break. If someone is hell bent on stealing my bike, they're going to steal it, datatool or not. I'm fairly sure it hardly effects my insurance either. Problem is when buying second hand, most bikes already have them installed.
i had a datatool on my first 600.... ended up paying £25 to have it taken off. stranded me 3times. only used to use a big chain since as an alarm won't do jack if they really want it - they can still move it.....
Well, buuger.

I think it could be the battery after all. As having removed the Datatool, still wasn't getting anything. So quickly reattached the charger, and turned it on. Still showed the battery as fully charged. So removed the charger from the battery terminals, only to look at the charging unit again, and noticed it was still showing fully charged, even though it was only connected to thin air lol.

Never mind, didn't want the alarm anyway :p.
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