Argh, ******* banks!

14 Dec 2002
I pay my salary into a Natwest Bank Account each month. I have no overdraft (and technically shouldn't even be capable of going overdrawn).

Now, I knew a standing order of £25 was going out on tuesday, so last sunday I paid £200 into my account, online). Now, because it took till today to go in, on tuesday, I was about £22 overdrawn. I check my account today and I have charges of £38! For going £22 overdrawn for less than 2 days.

So, I ring up Natwest and I had this very rude scottish woman who said "it's your fault" and basically if I don't like it I "can close my bank account".

I just spoke to another woman who *really* got me angry, her attitude stunk. When I said it was my first time she said "no it isn't... you went overdrawn in december but you were not charged because you paid cash in the same day... (the lady in the bank said if I paid cash in the same day I wouldn't go overdrawn - no charge)... when I explained this she said "no, you went over drawn and it was only out of good will that be waived the charge). I again repeated I did *not* go overdrawn.

Then she *really* got me angry by calling me a theif. She said what I did was no different to "walking into a supermarket, picking something up and walking out without paying for it... you basically stole from the bank". :mad:

Then she said "out of good gesture I will refund half..." when I said "ok, then tomorrow I'll be closing my account".... she said "if you're closing your account I won't refund you the money... this if an offer I'll only make to customers". When I informed her I was still a customer she replied with "yes, but if you plan to close the account then I won't offer you this good gesture.

I said "fine, of course I'll keep my account open" in a very patronising voice, followed by the "can I speak to your line manager please", in a very patronising voice she replied with "um ... umm... err.... nope... no one around, all gone home".

I also explained to her how there is a lot of claims were account holders are winning because the charges for going slightly overdrawn are extortinate (it's all electronic anyway). When I explained this to her she said "yes, but this is the banks punishment for stealing from them". ARGHHHH! I'm fuming!

What shall I do next? I'm going to pop into my bank on Tuesday I think... I've got this lady's name and everything she has said to me... I want that other £19 refunded too (I would have paid the £19 for going overdrawn if she wasn't such a ****).

Oh yes, the only reason I actually went overdrawn is because they took a few days to take money out which I withdrew from a cashpoint the week before, and then again it took 4 working days to do a bank transfer).

This was a first offence also... and I do pay my entire salary to them each month.

Bracco said:
Maybe next time you should realise that bank transfers aren't instant, especially not on a Sunday. No cash transfer of any sort is instant, and it is your own fault if you can't manage your money properly, not the bank. I'm so sick of seeing people ranting on about how banks are so terrible, when they admit they've taken out money they don't have.

Did you not read my post? I even said to the woman that I would've been happy to pay a charge. Eg small admin fee + interest. But... £22 for 2 days... £38.... first offence... I'm their bloody customer ffs!

Why aren't bank transfers instant? Oh yes, so they can "steal" my money to make intrest on it. :mad:

Get off your high horse. Back in the days of manual processing, £25 was an accepetable charge because of the admin side of things... these days it's all electronical so £38 is extortinate.

If you read the news... you'll find that there is *a lot* of cases currently going through the courts and the clients are winning because the courts agree that these charges are very extorinate for what is effectively lending £22 for 2 days.

Make up the money? By charging me about 160% interest over 2 days? You have to remember I'm paying my salary into their account every month... for the next 55 years? As I have been for the last 3.

I am the bank's customer... you're obviously forgetting that. PS. Don't try opening up a business with your attitude. ;)
I don't care if it was not different anywhere else (although I'm sure it is) The fact is for borrowing £22 for 2 days I had to pay an extra £38... this in my opinion is.... extorinate.

I don't usually clear my account, there was a special reason this month for having an empty account.

I expected this "you were wrong, suck it up" attitude from quite a few people here... yes, I went overdrawn due to the banking system taking too long to clear/withdraw money from my account. Yes, small admin fee + intrest... fine... but £38?! I don't think so.

Then to be called a theif? and you all think this is acceptable? :|
Orifice said:
You'll also get charged if the payments rejected, so no win situation really.

I've been with Natwest for years, and i've never encountered anyone that rude. I'd certainly complain about that if nothing else, they may refund the charge just for her attitude.

I think this was actually the charge... because my standing order was rejected. Makes it even worse I suppose.

Will be going to see my bank manager either tomorrow or tuesday... I have the first name of this woman and some of the stuff written down.

Will let you know how I get on.
Went into my local branch yesterday, they were shocked by what the woman said.


a) Filed a complaint.
b) Refunded 100% of the charge.

Result. :)
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