Argh not again

20 Oct 2002
Turned on my 360 and my profile has corrupt again! this is the 2nd time and have lost all my save games :(

I think my Hd is Oi! No swearing, not even disguised! Maybe it took a knock in transit.
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Lol got it after I posted, wonder if ms will replace the drive or will I need to send the whole thing back ?

Anyone got the MS number handy for faults ?
Having read this I wonder, is there anyway to back up your saves; would I need a memory card? Or could I plug in a usb memory pen? Could I use a networked PC?
Just found out theres an option in the dashboard to format the drive so Ill try that and see how it goes as I never formated it previously.

I've just bought a memory card for important game saves just in case.
Chaos said:
Just found out theres an option in the dashboard to format the drive so Ill try that and see how it goes as I never formated it previously.

I've just bought a memory card for important game saves just in case.

Be warned that you will lose Hexic, and there is no current way of getting it back!
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