Arghhhhhhhh fan fell off

27 Sep 2004
Ilkley / London
Yeah, title says it really.

I have a DFI nF4 Lanparty Ultra-D and the chipset fan has just fallen off. There was a really bad burning smell too.

What are my options ?

What fan do I replace it with, bearing in mind it needs to be low profile because the graphics card was flush with the top of the stock one.

I'll probably be upgrading in the next few months but I'd still like to run this for folding/fileserver and stuff.

Thanks guys.
I've bodged a job, old Heatsink on and an old CPU fan blowing over it.

Temporary solution.

Edit... Idle temperatures are down by 6 degrees on the chipset. :)
Down by 9 on the PWMIC too (I've put another fan in blowing over those)
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