Armed gang violence. What's going on in Liverpool?

30 Jul 2013
Just watched the press conference about the poor 9 year old girl who was murdered in her own home - Story here:

"We now believe that around 10pm two men were walking along Kingsheath Avenue from the direction of Finch Lane.

"At that time they were approached by a lone person - potentially a male - who was wearing a black padded jacket, a black balaclava with a peak, dark pants, and black gloves. This individual was approximately 5ft 7ins tall and of slim build, and they were carrying a handgun."

He said this person shot at the two men, causing them to run away.

After hearing gunshots on the street Olivia's mum, Cheryl, opened the door to the family's house. The man being chased then pushed his way into their home.

The gunman followed, putting his hand through a gap and opened fire, shooting blind around the door. Cheryl was shot in the arm and Olivia fatally injured where she stood at the bottom of the stairs. The pair were at home with Olivia's two older siblings at the time.

There were two further shots at the 35-year-old inside the house, hitting him in the body before the attacker made off on foot.

And this comes hot on the heels of a 28 year old innocent victim gunned down in her own home on Sunday

Anyone in the area know what's going on? I assume these are some organised crime/gang issues where innocents are being shot and the police have indicated that there's a culture of silence - not wanting to grass people up to the police.

Is it fear from reprisals? Or is trust in the police particularly low in Liverpool?
Opening the door when you hear gunshots wouldn't have been my first choice.
RIP to the little one :(

Yes, and the mother will live with that decision forever - But gunshots can sound like other things - She might have thought somebody was lobbing fireworks around and gone to see what was happening.

Either way, she's not responsible for somebody with a gun, blind firing around her door.
Anyone watch Martin Freeman in 'The responder' on BBC - That was written by a former liverpool policeman.

Enjoyed it but wasn't sure how 'realistic' it was.

Based on recent events, it seems like a documentary.
"The man being chased was also shot and remains in hospital in a serious, but not life-threatening, condition.
Detectives have not yet spoken to him and he has not been arrested."

Says it all really, what a state our police forces are in these days.
You seem to have missed out the more crucial information from that news story.

Police hunting the gunman who shot dead a nine-year-old girl at her home in Liverpool have been given the name of a suspect by two different sources.
His books are a really eye opener into just how just how nihilistic many of those involved in the drug trade are, with the pipe-dream of "Money & Respect" trumping everything else irrespective of the cost to anyone around them.

I think there needs to be a national conversation into legalising drugs, but only on the proviso that we really need to look at places who've already done this to see what the "unintended" effects have been years later, to see whether the "risk" from legalisation is better than the current results we've seen from banning them because whilst I think both have nothing but negative outcomes, one will create less negatives than the other (none will ever have a positive outcome, thats just not reality).

Pretty easy to do.

Portugal, a similar nation to us, decriminalised drugs in 2001 and drug use actually fell compared with other EU countries.

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