Armour+ Dust Filters

8 Apr 2009
Does the Thernaltake Armour Plus front fan have a dust filter with it?

if so do you have to remove the hard drive cage to access it?
The filters on on the covers but I cant seem to open the bottm 4 where the hard drive cage is and the front fan that comes pre installed.
Not sure then because mine just pull out and then the fan is screwed onto the hard drive cage the armour+ might be different.

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The drive bays at the bottom dnt hav a gap on the right side to put ur finger in to pull them off it is closed off unlike the top bays will pull off
Just noticed that the armor+ has a removable hard drive bay, i should imagine that you would need to remove that to gain access to the fan.
Yeah the fan is connected to the back of the hard drive cage and once you remove thae that you can remove the front drive bay panels.

Seems a bit time consuming just to clean the filters...
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