Army films please

22 Oct 2004
Im joining the army next year and i would like some army films to watch. Ideally set around this sort of time or even some vietnam films, id like to see them in boot camp doing there training then making finally seeing them put it into action.
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cheers for all the replys heres my list:
Full Metal Jacket
G I Jane
Apocalypse now redux
Hamburger Hill
Mark Of Cain

All for £41.95 :D

Anyway youve already recommeded the above films apart from Hamburger Hill has anyone watched this yet is it any good.
Good suggestions but i think from the last post i made ill just buy them.

So knowone here seen hamburger hill then, i was just curious to see if its any good.
bledd. said:
Jar Head
Buffalo Soldiers
(and Predator -best film ever :cool: )

Jar Head- the boot camp part was brilliant but then it got really boring afterwards.

Buffalo Soldier- got it already, didnt think much of it

Predator- ummm i hope i dont fight one of thoes in the army, btw theres no such thing as them its make believe :p
Well ive just finished watching all my films except Full Metal Jacket.
Im a bit disappointed with them all so far they werent that good.

G I Jane- 7 out of 10
Apocalypse now redux 6 out of 10
Tigerland- 7 out of 10
Platoon-6 out of 10
Hamburger Hill- 5 out of 10
Mark Of Cain- 3 out of 10

I have no 100% idea of what actual army life will be like, well until next year. But none of thoes films really felt real life army life.
semi-pro waster said:
To be fair you are watching mainly Vietnam films and expecting it to be like modern army life (which you admit you don't know about really), I reckon that is a pretty odd way of looking at it. At least you have saved the best until last but there are very few films that will ever show you what the real experience is like, I've done a fair bit of snowboarding and no video comes close to the feeling when I do it, same for mountain biking etc. They can give a rough approximation but you just have to try it mostly to know. :)

i dont need to have my my army broken to know that it hurts ;)

could you recommend any, im possibly better off with any documentrys :)
Vibez said:
Again, I insist you watch The Guardian, it's my favourite film :)
not an army film but looks good and looks like its got some strong male bonding, and thats what the army likes to see. So i think the next 2 films ill buy is:
the guardian
black hawk down

anything else :)
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