arranging my website

19 Oct 2005
This is my website at present.

What i want to do is arrange the background picture so it is not affected by changes in screen size. Could someone point me in the right direction in how i would go about arranging this. Should i slice this image up then arrange it with some code. How would i do this?

Please help my brains fallen out my ear this month.


ferretmaster said:
What i want to do is arrange the background picture so it is not affected by changes in screen size.
Could you elaborate on this problem? Aside from part of the image being cut off when making the window narrower, I can't see how the background image is being "affected" by changing screen size?
ferretmaster said:
If someone has a greater resolution such as 1152 wide the image doesnt reach and a white bar/empty space is shown down the side.
Ok, I see what you mean now. As far as I can see you have two options:

1. Repeat the background image using the background-repeat (or preferably using the shorthand font) CSS attribute. This will effectively "tile" the background image, which will plug the gaps, but it won't look particularly pretty unless the image is set up with edges which "flow" into each other.

2. Set a fall-back background colour and use gradients around the edge of the background image which fade into this colour. This should provide for a more elegant solution, but outside of the image users will simply have a block colour.

av. :)
Just as a general tip, don't use grey text over a grey paper background. You'll want people to be able to read your content.
there was a site somewhere that gave all the webcolours you could use and you could select which one to have as a background while the rest stay as text on the foreground so you could see the contrast, cant remember tho :s
ferretmaster said:
Any advice on text choice?

Verdana 9-10px or Arial 11px... maybe in white... or possibly black with a white block - or something fancy behind it to detach the text from the background.

try Colour Lovers for picking colours... it helps you choose 2 colours which might work well with each other.
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