Ars enlisting the help of the James Randi's foundation to disprove audiophile ethernet

Doesn't matter what they find, there are people who will still believe that cables bring noticeable improvements whatever the outcome.

This is not really the time or place to bring up religion, but, if science could prove that god did not exist, would the millions/billions of people that go to some place of worship suddenly accept this evidence?

I know that isn't the same, but surely if someone has entrenched beliefs, they are not going to let proof get in the way of their beliefs. ;)
Sadly you just can't help addicts unless they are willing to admit they are addicted and seek help! These people have become dependant on snake oil audiophile nonsense to give their lives meaning so a simple ABX test will have no effect on them. Still leave them t their mains conditioners gold plated armoured Ethernet cables and other such silliness at least it makes the week minded easy to identify!

Only on OCUK could this thread become an anti religion troll lol
I've heard differences on some interconnects (less so balanced ones) and even power cables (my assumption is that it's due to a reduction in RFI).
Ethernet though, just WTF?

I'm conscious that the manufacturer of most of my kit (Meridian) are one of the key leaders in the field of digital technology (they did after all create MLP, which underpins some HD-audio formats). Never seen anything from them about needing specific cables for their streaming solutions, and if they can charge £35k for a pair of their top end speakers, I can't believe they couldn't "add value" to cables if those chose to.
As a sound engineer myself of over 30 years, i'll add my 2p's worth if i may.
Cables can do and do make a huge difference to sound...................but only in the analogue sphere. Cables that make the biggest difference of all are power supply cables that are constructed with a figure of 8 weave (because it completely rejects RFI like a Faraday Cage).
Digital cables are a completely different ball game. As long as they meet industry standards for there type (USB, Ethernet or HDMI), it dosn't make a blind bit of difference if they cost £1 each or £1000 each............................the result will be the same. If you were to use a power cable that rejects RFI on the Amplifier that is being fed the digital source though, the resulting output of that amp would sound very different to using the power cable it was supplied with by the manufacturer.
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