Yes and no, not quite sure, potentially, for a fairly small administration fee you can eventually own a full share. Its almost a 2% fee to put a single share on lay away for x amount of time. Buy 1/100th of a share over time, maybe 10 years, maybe 40, and own part of your club, its not a terrible idea and afaik Arsenal don't make a dime out of it.
ANother company makes money, I assume on trading/investing your cash before payments are made.
If you pay in £20 a month, you won't get a fanshare(1/100th of a full share, at the mo about 9.5k so £95 a "fanshare") for 5 months, and in that time I assume this company uses your £20 a month to trade stocks and do general banky things, when 100 people have enough for a fanshare each the company takes your money out of making interest/being invested and buys you a share.
WHen you have one fanshare you can apply to attend the AGM, I assume basically they'll jot up the total number of real shares, call it 100, with say 10k members and pull out 100 names of anyone who wants to go and they get to go along to the AGM. Voting, not sure how its done. Might be done online, any votes being called you get an e-mail, log on, say its 10k members, 100 shares, 100 votes, take votes on the 10k, if 9000 vote yes, 1000 vote no, then the votes will be applied as 90 for yes and 10 for now? Not quite sure and doesn't seem to say on the website at a quick glance.
Arsenal support this, because it gets more fans as owners as non fans have very little reason to invest very little a month to eventually get a proper share. The company doing it charge 2%, so £100 invested goes £98 into your account with them of which every 95 would get you a fanshare, and anything else they do in the meantime with your cash. But the company are just buying existing shares, Arsenal themselves aren't creating more shares just to sell to fans, so if Arsenal have a million shares at 9.5k now, they still will in 20 years, its just more fans might own some of the ones out there.
THere is an issue that not many are easily sold these days as the major shareholders keep control of a large number of them, would suck if you wanted a full share, got to 99 "fanshares" then the company literally can't buy any more shares.
Its a better idea than I initially thought, and does help fans who don't have 9.5k to buy a full share get involved, have a chance to go to meetings and partake in votes before they can afford a full share.
Overall, probably not bad, but a couple potential big downsides if the company really can't find enough shares years down the line.