Artic Silver 5 - best before date?

18 Oct 2002
Leamington Spa / Oxford
I found a tube of AS 5 the other day, but when I tried to use it on a heatsink it seemed very thick and didn't spread very easily.

In comparison a very old tube of AS II spread like a dream and worked fine.

So does AS5 have a sell by date or is just thicker that ASII? Ta :D
I wouldn't worry about it, I think AS5 is meant to be thick like that (at least thats what I am reading?, never used myself). I am still using my batch of AS3 from a few years ago. . .
Street said:
As far as I know, AS5 is meant to be a lot thicker than the others. :)

Ok, it's just a pain in the eras to smooth out!
I usually use a latex glove to smooth it out with my finger, maybe I should try the razor blade again :P
Raider said:
Ok, it's just a pain in the eras to smooth out!
well I don't think you have to smooth anything out, just put a small half-pea amount and then when you fit the heatsink the pressure will spread it out perfectly. . .


I use just a slightly bigger lump than this


here you can see how much the Arctic silver has been spread!

Full instructions here
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