AS level photography

8 Mar 2003
Looking at the internet
I've enroled at a local 6th form college to do an AS level photography, one evening per week. I was wondering if anyone else has done this course/exam and how useful they thought it was in becoming a good photographer?
There are probably still places, I only phoned yesterday and they were still taking places for September. Quite cheap as well, £110 for the years tuition and £35 for the exam I think.
I did a GCSE and A-Level in photography a good number of years ago (pre-AS Levels), and I was pretty much left to my own devices. I think it may well have come under the umbrella of the Art & Design A-Level at the time. Not sure how much it might have changed since then, but I can't see anything significant after a quick Google.

The main benefit was having the opportunity to use the available darkroom resources, peer support (from photographers and non-photographers) and taking things from a more artistic angle than I might have done had I pursued it alone. I really enjoyed it, and wish I had pursued it more than I did after finishing.

I don't think it will make you a better photographer -that's really through practice and having the 'eye'- but it will certainly give you the environment and support to flourish if you're enthusiastic about it.
Be prepared to do lots of work on your own. You are basically left to do the work and if you havent done any atr and design courses you'll be suprised with what will be asked of you but the teachers are mainly there to critique and advise a bit. The best bit is printing and I'm happy I've had a chance to experience printing in this digital age.

I got a B in my AS course this week btw. :D
I did AS Photography at school. Was really really easy to get an A cos all I did was photo manipulation in Photoshop and then wrote it up well. Other bits of my coursework were from when I was on holiday and took some B&W photos of Niagara Falls.

Tbh it didn't make me a better photographer but made me more interested. Went to uni to do Fashion Photography at LCF and realised how hard it really is to be good. I don't find courses to be good to educate yourself about a particular subject, learning by yourself through your own motivation works much better imo.
i did AS and A level, and it was uterly brilliant,

the difference in my work from start to finish was huge!

however, i have (and always will ) learn more off my own back, than from any teachers, but they certainly did help.

i got an A
I've just got the results for the A level (2nd year) of that course, there are normally 2 ways that it might be taught, either in an artistic way (edexcel more common) or in a technical and artistic way (AQA less common).

I did the AQA way and find its better than the edexcel way as you learn more about photography and they allow you to develope 3 projects each year. where as I find the edexcel one is more about doing art and you may discover the technical bits as you go along and when you need it through small projects throughout the year.

I was very happy with my AQA sillabus however my lecturer wasn't great but he did know what he was talking about. where as from what my sister and friends have said about the Edexcel sillabus its also good but I think it depends on whether you want to learn the Art and get technical aspects along the way or if you want to be taught how to take photographs and develop your eye as you go along.

Let me know how it goes!
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