AS old vs AS new

18 Oct 2002
I have a tube of the old stuff. I'm thinking around 1999? I used it on an athlon xp 1.3ghz, and a mate used some on his 1ghz I believe.. AXIA? Those were the days...

So probably about a million squirts of the stuff left...
I'm about to upgrade (finally) to a 64 opty or athlon. Is it worth buying some new stuff, or is this stuff still ok?
I did a test squirt and it came out silvery still(!).

It doesn't have a version number on it, maybe it's the first one. 6.5g tube.

KA :)
the compound will go off with time IF it is exposed to the air, as long as it comes out easily and is roughly the same consistancy as it was to begin with (roughly as has been awhile) then u should be fine. But sometimes worth it to get a nice shiny new one.
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