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18 Oct 2002
Off to see Ash an in hour, quite looking forward to it :)

Anyone else been/going to see them on this tour?
A few of my flatmates saw them in Soton too. Apparently they were pretty good, and the support act weren't half bad either.
(It was all about the Jesters beach party on that night though ;))
Shamikebab said:
yep, I saw them In Soton last night. They put on a good performance, new material sounded excellent.

I was there also :)

To be honest, although it was a great gig, I prefer their older stuff. But yeah, great performance, especially Kung Fu!
ASh were pretty inconsistent in Glasgow... Some of the good bits were great, but all butone of the new songs really seemed to drag, and so did some of the other tracks in the setlist. With a back catalogue of their quality they shouldn't have to trot out the more average stuff.

But mainly they seemed to lack the enthusiasm and energy that made them great. Goldfinger used to be a huge, off-kilter ramshackle heap of a song, now it just sort of dribbles by.

Ah, but they've been great, they will be again. One of the new tracks was pretty ace.
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