Ashen PC

19 Aug 2008
Can't see a thread here about it, is anyone playing this? and is it any good? I am curious as I'm a big fan of Dark Souls and saw that apparently the combat is very similar?
Its amazing, like Inside and DS had a baby! Combat is great, not up to DS standards but you can feel the influence, its such a beautiful game, half the time i just walk around admiring stuff and the sound/music is something else. Highly recommended and hopefully a big hit for the makers.
Played right up to the point of unlocking fast travel. As a Souls veteran, this game is woefully uninspiring. Characters with no faces and a story that you'll forget about within 5 minutes. No proper level up/skill distribution means there's only one way to play and no builds to work on, small weapon variety that only seems to be clubs and axes, limited generic upgrade paths. Too much fetch quest-like objectives and the combat while mirroring Souls seems a bit floaty and unresponsive at times. All the loot I've went out of my way for so far was a waste of time.

A solid enough base for a clone Souls if you absolutely need a hit, but it's seriously 6/10 material. Doesn't have the story, characters, world, etc of the greats. Bosses are sparse and therefore should be memorable and amazing...

My first attempt earlier. Boring and over in a minute.
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