
12 Apr 2004
I used to play ages ago then kinda peaked and it got boring, but they're put a load more cars in now + clubs + the ability to own multiple cars :D i've been playing for a week solid and im awful :D anyone else play?

my ingame name is surprisingly Ribbo and i've got a mighty celica :D
Rick_Barnes said:
whats it like?


all txt/image browser based it's addictive, you get $30,000 startup and you've got to buy a car, then with the money left over you can either buy and fit parts or bet on other peoples races, or race against other people taht you think you can win against.

usually it's keen to not accept peoples challenges at first until you know what times you can do on the tracks, because they'll just win easy money off you, so you can race the computer, the faster you are the higher level you can race against and earn money, you get 5 races against the computer a day (or 10 if you pay the monthly sub that's £3 a month) this eventually will turninto your base earning.

you dont see the races, but it's simple car stats vs car stats, of course you cant see they're car stats but if your clever you can work out how fast they are by the car they drive, the time they've had the car, how successfull they've been in the game (they're rank) plus of course the results of they're previous races (ie if they've beaten a guy that you narrowly lost against you'll know how your going to fare).

there are a LOT of cars ingame from all sorts of places :D from 1917 fiats into f1 cars and hummers, you dont see the visable effects of your car being modded (if you did that would make it a lot easier to guage how good someone is) but you can get a great feeling when you rack up next to someones exotica in your pride and joy and nail them on the 1/4 mile :D taking some cash off them in the process :D
yup. this is my beastie at the moment


but i might aim for a teggy next
it's a little bit expensive, but it's lighter and puts out some more power, could be a track weapon for me :D
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