c# - please help!

12 Jan 2004
I have written a generic component to manage xml data files via a web interface using a datagrid. I have managed to read the selected xml file into the dataset, then populate a datagrid using that dataset. i have also sorted out the edit and cancel buttons for the datagrid, but i am stuck on update.

I want to be able to write the edited datagrid into the source xml file. The important point is that I do not know how many columns the xml may have. That means I need to loop through the ItemArray for that row to get the new values and put them in the data set in the right places. This is the bit i cant figure out!

This is what I have so far:

    protected void dgXmlContents_Update(Object objSource, DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
        // Set datagrid to uneditable
        dgXmlContents.EditItemIndex = -1;
        // Get new dataset with original xml contents
        DataSet ds = GetXmlData();

        // overwrite ds with user made changes in the datagrid dgXmlContents

        // Write new data to xml file
        ds.WriteXml(Server.MapPath(Utility.GetXmlDir() + "temp.xml"));
        // Reload xml

dgXmlContents_Update is called by clicking the update button on the datagrid (dgXmlContents) row. Can someone please complete the code to insert the new column values into the dataset?
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