ASP.Net MVC LINQ question

25 Feb 2007
So I'm diving in to MVC having used Web Forms previously.

I'm also dabbling with LINQ for the first time!

I'm making a 'Tasks' application, and tasks can have people assigned to them, so in my database I have 3 tables -
Tasks (ID, Description)
People (ID, Name)
PeopleTasks (ID, TaskID, PeopleID, Primary)

I've created a model from this in MVC5 and 'scaffolded' a controller and views for each table.

My issue now is that in the tasks index, which currently just shows the description of the task, I want to add the persons name, but only if the PersonTask Primary field is true (there can only be one Primary person per task).

I've written a LINQ query which filters on the Primary field, but then I don't seem to be able to select both the task and related person.

Hope this makes sense! :D
So you'd have a field within the Tasks table to record the Primary person, and then PeopleTasks would record additional people?
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