Assassins Creed Mirage

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Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Dont think theres a thread on it, but as someone who got hundreds of hours out of every AC title, even the "bad" ones, I'm always up for some AC :)

I've never actually played a ac game. There is just to many of them. Is there one or two that are the best?
IMO, you cant go wrong with AC Origins, even the people who dont like the gameplay loop of the more recent AC games will admit that AC Origins was really rather special.
The only three certainties in life are death, taxes, and a new assassins creed every 12-18 months. I'll skip this one.
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Looking forward to this, especially if going back to its core assassin roots. With respect to the Abstergo stuff; did anyone ever care for it? I found the modern day stuff utterly boring and mostly irrelevant to the historical settings.
Dont think theres a thread on it, but as someone who got hundreds of hours out of every AC title, even the "bad" ones, I'm always up for some AC :)

Edit: Sorry @GlitterBalls I didn't see you there. Mind you I couldn't find my coffee this morning and I was holding the blumming thing.
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