Assassins Creed: Unity

23 Jan 2007

It's just another day in the Animus, as Ubisoft announced Assassin's Creed: Unity today. The game is slated to arrive on PS4, Xbox One and PC this coming holiday season. Ubisoft offered a brief glimpse at the game in its early, alpha state in the trailer seen above.

Although Assassin's Creed 3 was widely criticized for being an unpolished American frontier work simulator, last year's Assaassin's Creed 4: Black Flag reestablished the franchise's sea legs with sure footed piracy. It appears the stabby adventure through time will now take place in Paris during the French Revolution of the 18th century (finally!).

Though we may be reading too much into this, it's interesting to note the presence of the PS4, Xbox One and PC logos in the Assassin's Creed: Unity trailer - but no Wii U. We've reached out to Ubisoft to see if a version is planned for Nintendo's home console.

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I wonder if we'll see an Assassin's Creed game based around actually assassinating people?

I think since AC Brotherhood it's been more Affaffin's Creed than anything else. The first game had it's flaws but at it's core were some very good missions involving stabbing people.
To be fair they're still at least decent games most of the time. Only 3 and Revelations haven't been too great.

Is it just me or did anyone else think it was being made in the Unity engine at first when they saw the title :o.

given up trying to understand how they name/number these games, you'd think this would have a number after it being its a new location and time period.

Feudal japan would be awesome with you being more of a ninja type, and samurai chasing you over roof tops....I just want a tenchu 2 style game again.
Feudal japan would be awesome with you being more of a ninja type, and samurai chasing you over roof tops....I just want a tenchu 2 style game again.

After they took the initiative to make a pirate game, you'd think they'd pursue this. Assassin's Creed 5 may be set in 16th century Japan though, at least we can hope.
I still need to buy AC4. I had to force myself to complete AC3, I got half way through doing side quests and collecting things, and capturing territory when I got bored and left it for a few months. Then AC4 was released and a few months after decided I needed to rush through AC3 just for the story missions. I did the same thing with Revelations when #3 came out.

I'd enjoy these a lot more if there was more than a 1 year gap between them. It just seems each game is more of the same with nothing much added. The sea parts in #3 I enjoyed.
I hope this is as good as Black Flag. Is this going to be the last one? Apparently that have an ending in mind now. I love these games, but please get rid of the listening missions and put some variety in there again like in AC2!
As excited as I am for a French revolution game, after the incredibly poor Black Flag, there is no chance I will get this except in a heavily discounted sale.

Ubisoft can't make good games anymore.
This looks like AC1 to be honest. The setting is just too similar.

A Japan setting would have been great. Imagine a Samurai Assassin. Anyway, there where assassination in this time period. Would have been perfect.
This looks like AC1 to be honest. The setting is just too similar.

A Japan setting would have been great. Imagine a Samurai Assassin. Anyway, there where assassination in this time period. Would have been perfect.

I think the samurai would suit the templars more, with the assassin's being the ninjas as the samurai were the oppressors of Japan and the ninjas were the uprising peasants fighting the man.
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I think the samurai would suit the templars more, with the assassin's being the ninjas as the samurai were the oppressors of Japan and the ninjas being the uprising peasants fighting the man.

Historically you are right. But I think 'mechanically' the game would work great with the main protagonist as Samurai.
Historically you are right. But I think 'mechanically' the game would work great with the main protagonist as Samurai.

Really? Samurai had a strict code of combat, attacking from behind/above/afar was generally looked down upon and they were never exactly known for climbing over buildings in all that heavy armor. :p

Hidden blades, 10 vs 1 fights, smoke bombs, throwing knives, pistols, parkour, hoods, assassinations... sound like ninjas to me. :D

It looks amazing, but it is such a shame that Ubioft, as usual, will create such an amazing world and then fill it with such poor gameplay:(...I just hope the story isn't the crock of **** that Black Flag was!

Improved stealth is much needed, so nice to see they might be mixing things up.
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