Assassin's Creed why console?

Teki187 said:
Just seen this new trailer (new to me)

And it got me thinking, why on earth did they only restrict it to consoles?

The games concept and looks make it a perfect PC game...

What the hell is the industry doing to use PC lovers?

It is comign to pc, just later than console iirc.

For example:

There were rumblings before, but today Ubisoft confirmed that Assassin’s Creed is currently under development for Xbox 360 and PC. Assassin’s Creed was first shown for PlayStation 3 at E3 last May. It’s nice to know computer and Microsoft console owners get to play too.

Furthermore, Ubisoft will soon announce if Assassin’s Creed will have a timed exclusivity (of say three or six months) on Sony’s PlayStation 3 or not, before coming to Xbox 360 and PC. The PS3 version of the game is scheduled for an early 2007 release. News via the IDEF Festival in Cannes, France.
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Azrael1 said:
less piracy

Not really true, all my mates who I know who have a console, have a chipped console, not a single one has a non chipped one with all legal games...
Perhaps once you get on higher aged and mature people, this migth be true, but in the age 15-20, like I am, you aint gona find much legal console games believe me...
Almost everyone (95-99% at a guess) in that age copies and is a pirate.

Still even though it's a console port, I don't think it's going to be that bad if they make the game perform normally on a pc. Actually lookign forward to it.
I loved Thief 3 (apart from the bugs) so I'm really looking forward to this game. Just hope it doesn't become a console port though.
Soviet said:
I loved Thief 3 (apart from the bugs) so I'm really looking forward to this game. Just hope it doesn't become a console port though.
Erm Ubisoft are handling it - Id be surprised its anything more than a console port - they rape us PC owners - easily the worst publisher for PC games...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Although ubisoft messed up recent games really bad, give them a chance, they did release farcry for example wich was an excellent game.

Although if they mess up this, I'll hate them bigtime, this is one of the games I'm really looking forward to, and if they **** it up, I'm not giving them any more chances and refuse to buy anything from em after.
I would be, but I cant think of a game that was first on a console that they have successfully ported without issues or PC considerations. I wouldnt include FarCry as that was PC only...

Their track record speaks for itself...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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snowdog said:
Although ubisoft messed up recent games really bad, give them a chance, they did release farcry for example wich was an excellent game.

Although if they mess up this, I'll hate them bigtime, this is one of the games I'm really looking forward to, and if they **** it up, I'm not giving them any more chances and refuse to buy anything from em after.
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