Assault compensation

17 Jul 2005
Hiya fellas,

About 6-7 monthes ago I got jumped and hit by a few lads when out up town... ended up in hospital and had to have stictches in my nose.

I was told at the time to claim for compensation but I didn't really think anything of it. Anyhow, I've got a slight disfigurement on my nose (where i've got hit).. and was thinking about having it sorted - which will obviously cost money.

My cousin's just managed to claim from someone for an accident that was HIS fault, and got 3.5k back in compensation - which ****** me off a little bit when the accident was his fault! I know this is entirely different to my situation as i'd be claiming off a trust AFAIK ... not the person as they weren't caught!

Now I never thought about reporting this to the police, as they were at the scene at the time and tbh I was flat out for a few days.

Can I still claim? Who do I contact? Can I still get a crime reference number from the police?

I appreciate a lot of you hate the compensation culture... but tbh if anythings justified ... this is. If there's a trust setup willing to give money out then I feel i've got a fair case for it..

AND as an aside! About 1 year 6 monthes ago I was jumped on the way home from a night out! They were never caught either and the police weren't informed.. but I spent the night up hospital and have a scar under my eye for the trouble. Worth putting one through for this as well ?!

dont be in a rush for the money... it can take a while. a friend of mine got beaten up and knocked unconscious. he got the money around a year after they went to court and it wasn't all that much either.

it's not a get rich quick scheme. and im really not sure what can be done about the assualt that happened 18 months ago. it would seem sensible to report such incidents close to the event so your mind is fresh and you can give good descriptions.

i think the "trust" is set up for people who've been seriously injured and had to miss time off work etc, not for people who've got in a bit of a ruck and split their lip.
Hey! I had to quit my part time job after the second incident ... my face was wrecked for about a fortnight and my nose wrecked for a month or so after the incident. Granted I was moving to uni so I thought it best to leave work.. but meh :p

Seems you need to report the incident asap anyway... so doesn't look like i'd be able to get anything. I only wanted the cash to see if I could sort my nose out although it isnt that bad I suspose.
bah, whats a busted nose? adds a bit of character! dont worry about it, mines been done 3 times at least! (once was a regulated muay thai fight tho)
Do people just enjoy jumping you or something?

Get in contact with trust, ask them what you need to do.
Nix said:
Do people just enjoy jumping you or something?

Get in contact with trust, ask them what you need to do.

twice in the space of a year or so is just bad luck.

avoidence is the key.

you can't get munched by pihranas if you're not in the river. know what i mean?
Well, you are within the limitation period, you are young so you will get more money than older people, but less than girls. There is a table/case law where you can look up to find out how much you are expected to get, Halsbury or Kemp & Kemp does one.

First step you need to talk to a solicitor, s/he will start a claim against the defendent(s). And then everything will go from there.

but saying that, without the police/crime report, how are you going to prove that it was them? If they had a criminal conviction then your sucess rate would increase highly, without it would be a balance of probablity that if they did it or not.
I was assaulted last year, I went through the CICA (Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority) I was in an un-pravoked fight, scared the back of my head, I got £1900 from them... I think
Raymond Lin said:
Well, you are within the limitation period, you are young so you will get more money than older people, but less than girls. There is a table/case law where you can look up to find out how much you are expected to get, Halsbury or Kemp & Kemp does one.

First step you need to talk to a solicitor, s/he will start a claim against the defendent(s). And then everything will go from there.

but saying that, without the police/crime report, how are you going to prove that it was them? If they had a criminal conviction then your sucess rate would increase highly, without it would be a balance of probablity that if they did it or not.

I wouldn't be claiming against a defendent - it'd be entirely from the trust... looks' like I can't though as I'm a knobber and never report anything :p

The first time I was jumped was whilst walking home at about 2am (susposedly live in a nice area...) had walked home countless times before that. Had noticed a few people walking behind me, nothing out of the usual though they seemed like they were walking home themselves from a night out. Usually feel safer when people are in close proximity :rolleyes: Anyway, a few seconds later .. smack - and I hit the ground. Someone was holding me down whilst someone else went through my pockets.. I got hit again then they asked me for my pin (they'd found my card)... so I just gave them a random number and they ran off.. I thought i'd got away with it lightly tbh ... lost my card and a few quid, and they didn't have a pin. Got home - knocked on the door as i'd forgot my key and my mum started screaming - looked in the mirror and a looked like someone outta a horror movie :p Ended up having stiches below my eye and im still scarred. Was bruised and achey for a week or so after and had a back back for a bit.

Second time I was out on the town on my 19th birthday. Mate couldn't get in a club cos he was wearing trainers so we were idling in this street deciding where to go. (Busy street... club at one end and loads of other clubs on the road at the other end... LOADS of people & POLICE on both ends of the street). Anyway I'd just been for a pee and walked out of this alleyway with a mate... and was just about to walk across the road to the rest of my mates when a group of chavvy styled people barged through. I turned around as you would do and got smashed instantly ... went down and hit a skip/bin .. and got a kicking on the floor. Was knocked out (mate got slightly hit) and woke up in the ambulance. Police did NOTHING... came onto the scene (or so I was told) after the attack.. and I went away in the ambulance. Reason I didn't report this was because it was obvious an attack had happened so I'd assume they'd of noted it.. and I obv. wasn't really thinking of compo then. Ended up as before with a smashed up nose (slightly disfigured atm) and mild concussion as well as bruised ribs...

So yeah, I havn't personally reported anything to the police - nor helped them with investigations. TBH I think half the time getting hit is part and parcel of going into a major city at night nowadays :p... it doesn't bother me in the slightest... I havn't been impaired (bar the fact my nose is a bit dodgy and I have a scar below my eye ;))... but if I can get a bit of compo I wouldn't mind - hell who wouldn't go for it? Free money ? don't need it atm.. well I do, but i'm not depserate but it'd be a nice present in a year or so should I be able to .. I'm sure the hospital will have me on record ....
I think you should see if you can get it sorted on the NHS first before you start claiming money, you' be surprised at what you can get done (plastic surgery wise) on the NHS. If they do it for free then you won't need to claim.
i know nothing said:
I think you should see if you can get it sorted on the NHS first before you start claiming money, you' be surprised at what you can get done (plastic surgery wise) on the NHS. If they do it for free then you won't need to claim.
Hey now, no offence to the OP but why should the NHS foot the bill for someone elses damage? Anyway, good luck to you nickname, whatever you decide.
malfunkshun said:
Hey now, no offence to the OP but why should the NHS foot the bill for someone elses damage? Anyway, good luck to you nickname, whatever you decide.
I think in this sort of instance you'll find that the NHS will do it. If he didn't like his nose and wanted it changed so he could look like Michael Jackson, then I'm pretty sure they wouldn't! I don't see any problem in him going to the NHS, they fix up plenty of other cases which are far less deserving (imo).

He's already said that all he wants is to get it fixed.
It's not actually just that - I have slight breathing difficulties through it now.

I've always had dodgy breathing but just lately (not really bothering me..) when sleeping I find myself concious that i'm breathing out of my nose and have to start breathing out of my mouth :shrug:

Anyway, like you say ... if there's specific funding aimed at this kind of thing then it may as well be used :confused:

Will probably leave it however - will see what my mum says.... seems a lot of hassle.
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