Associate iPhone with another iTunes library

8 Jan 2003
My wife has her iPhone associated with a library which is on her laptop. I have now created a new library on the server at home to make it easier to centrally manage our media.

I have now set her iTunes install on her laptop to open up the iTunes library on the server (using the Choose library routine). When she plugs her phone in, it detects that she had this synced with another library and wants to wipe her phone.

I have tried the changing of the Library Persistent ID trick but when I put the value from her original library into the relevant xml and itl files on the server, it seems to reset them to what they originally were (some CRC checking going on here?).

How do I get her phone to use the server library without wiping her phone?
Yeah, wasn't sure where to post this. Got it sorted by using a piece of software to change the IDs and then break the ITL file. It the rebuilds this but this takes a while. Seems to be working now.
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