Asteria II pre-log design opinions

26 Sep 2010
Hi to all

Hopefully this thread won't break any forum rules since this is not a project log in itself, but is a precursor to something coming soon.

I'm producing some new internal parts for an In Win 901 and have almost finished the drawings. As I now refine things, wrap up designs, etc, there are a few bits and pieces I can't quite decide on so I thought I'd start a thread to get some opinions - both technical and aesthetic - on bits I'm doing.

Forgive me in advance if I be a bit vague on the specifics of what I'm doing because I'd very much like the overall project to be a surprise given some of the things I'm doing, and frankly I don't want to let the cat out of the bag too soon - this is a slow process since I'm skint, very excited and utterly terrified because I'm right in at the deep end doing so many things I have never done before AND it's all going to be put out there for public viewing :eek:

So then, first opinion: air holes for internal radiator.

In Win's 900 series cases use a square grid design on the back and inside for the PSU intake. I'm putting a radiator inside the lower part of the case and need to cut some air holes. Naturally I want to keep the square hole theme going.

8mm square, single row:

4mm square, double row:

Or, for something else:

The large cutout is space for the radiator to stick out a bit.

So, opinions? Which do you prefer aesthetically? Are they large enough for adequate intake? Shall I try something different?

Look forward to hearing from you all :D

(edit: credit to for the base image)
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There's not quite as much vertical space available as the mock-ups imply. Here's a scaled face-on version of each layout. Bear in mind this is just one side of a larger folded bit, so I need to keep some distance from the bottom so I can fold the material.

Over 100 views, yet no comments. Am I boring? :p

Looks like I'm going with the single row of larger holes, although I will take them up to 10mm and see what it's like. Aesthetically it's been discussed it matches the case better. Still unsure about the technical aspect though of having sufficient air coming in, but the rad has a good inch clearance from the floor so I don't think there'll be any obstruction.

Still, opinions and advice would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers for looking.
Seems like you would get the best intake from the single row of larger holes.

Purely from an aesthetic perspective, I like either the single row or the horizontal lines.
Cheers Petelock.

Although the single and double rows are roughly the same in terms of percentage of open space, the larger holes will probably be less restrictive. Plus they better match the grid of holes on the back of the case.

I'm going to take the holes up a little to 10mm and see how that might look too, but I can't go much further because this part of the case is a little load bearing and I don't want to chop too much material out.

I guess I was always leaning towards the single row, but it's good to have things confirmed just in case I've gone mad (which has happened too often with designing this project already).
+1 for the single row of holes. No idea which is best for airflow, just think it looks nicer :)

Will definitely be keeping an eye on this one, more than a little intrigued by your plans :p
+1 for the single row of holes. No idea which is best for airflow, just think it looks nicer :)

Will definitely be keeping an eye on this one, more than a little intrigued by your plans :p

Cheers buddy.

The plans are extensive and more than a little mental, necessitating a redesign, laser cutting and folding about two-thirds of the internals.

There may be one or 2 more things I post to this thread for discussion, but the main project will get its own thread on a few forums. Won't be starting just yet as I'm more skint that I thought, plus with B Neg's Celestial happening right now I just know I'll be overshadowed :p
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