Asteroid Apophis near earth approach in 2029 studied for earth impact in 2036

18 Oct 2002
In here and out there.
Apophis near earth approach in 2029 studied for probability of earth impact in 2036

*Magick mode on*

Wondering around the NASA NEO website I found these little gems, essentially wargames designed to keep our options open and keep the gears lubricated, and also offer up proposals to correct the flight path of any NEOs.
Yes, Apophis may indeed be perturbed by the earths gravitational field and slingshot the object round the sun six times while we spin round 7 times and collide, however nothing is left to chance, the notion of the long term orbit of Apophis is also considered and forewarning given that future action past the original orbit adjustment may be necessary.

Either way, it is good to see this out in the pubic domain.

The first document is the most intensive, I would recommend first reading the summary document at the bottom of the page.
Some of the stuff in there is quite interesting, especially the name of the event: 1st IAA Planetary Defense Conference.

*Magick mode off*
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Could a mod please change the title to:

Apophis near earth approach in 2029 studied for probability of earth impact in 2036

Hasn't Apophis been downgraded to zero on the Torino scale? i.e. a probability of impact so remote it's not even worth mentioning.
And what makes you so sure an astroid impact would kill all humans? I'm sure they could get some underground or develop buildings capable of surviving it?
Hasn't Apophis been downgraded to zero on the Torino scale? i.e. a probability of impact so remote it's not even worth mentioning.

It probably has yes, this is more about the heads of departments and chief scientists roleplaying the scenario.

And what makes you so sure an astroid impact would kill all humans? I'm sure they could get some underground or develop buildings capable of surviving it?

Huh?, at what point did I mention that an impact would kill humans?, try again.

This is just a wargame, and the report that followed it, if you have read any of it you would have known this.
So if this blob of ice and rock is going to kill us all in 2036, does that mean 2012 mayan calender appocalypse is off now?
it's probably just a goa'uld ha'tak, rest assured SG1 are on it /geek mode off

we'll shoot it down, i'm not going to worry about anything like that anyway, i could get hit by a bus tomorrow and it will pale in to insignificance :)
And what makes you so sure an astroid impact would kill all humans? I'm sure they could get some underground or develop buildings capable of surviving it?

Well the boffins will probably invent something amazing but then the contract will be given to Wimpy Homes or someone equally useless and substandard materials will be used. As such the straw/mud huts of Namibia will be left standing whilst we all die under thousands of tons of poorly mixed concrete :D
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