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Asus 7990 - £399.99 pre-order. Is this for real??

Does the EK 7990 waterblock fit the Asus 7990??

Have to ask as I've just been stung with cooling configurator giving me bad info :(

Being dual GPU, I read in another thread there are compatability issues; what compatability issues are there??
Do I even need waterblocks?

I mean - reading reviews (Never did before because I thought it would be well out of my price range - £500+) and the overclocking potential essentially is very limited. Is the stock cooler quiet enough??

Sorry about all the questions .. really quite excited about possibly getting the fastest single card solution in the world!
I guess I can buy the Waterblock at a later date.

Mr Gibbo - Sir you are a legend. I have place my order for the 7990.

I have to flog the R9 280X + Heatkiller 79X0 waterblock that I just received this week somehow now.
I don't know why OCUK are doing to us aside from brain frying us. At £400, if you have the money for a new graphics card, I see little reason why you'd get anything else. I'm still gobsmacked - like just completely lost for words as to how this thing is £400 with change for a penny sweet (if you can find one)
Surely this eats the 290X though, so for a little bit more power its worth it? :D

Considering it's essentially 2 7970s yeah I think so, hence why I'm on the band wagon.

2x7970s will cost you more than that 7990, although granted will give a bit more performance and if you're going to WC, 1 card is going to be easier on the pocket than 2.
XFX are nasty, their cards use real cheap components, wouldn't touch them with a barge pole. For the sake of waiting 2 weeks, you are brave.

It does make me wonder. Even though boards might be reference design, the quality of the components that manufacturers use must differ right?

I've bought an XFX for a friend's build before - had a capacitor fall off! Never XFX again ...
Wow!! They're in stock!!! WOOOOOOOOOO Looking forward to getting this. I need to get that waterblock on order soon then ... where are your 7990 WBs, OCUK???
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