ASUS A8N SLi Premium Bios

I've only used the asus site - and I'm not sure the current beta bios is stable - running it for my 7950GX2
I`m using 1310 bios that came with board,anyone using latest?
Beta Version 1302 2006/06/19 update
Description A8N-SLI Premium Beta BIOS 1302

Asus don`t say if this actually fixes/improves anything which is annoying,same for march update as well.Why don`t they say? most mobo bios have some sort of file description/fix list.
Hmm... how are people getting on with 1302... think I'm going to give it a go cos the 11xx version seems to be very unstable.
Big.Wayne said:
Oh ok DrEvil, you a 7950GX2 owner eh? any chance you could lend us a few hundred quid lol ;) (from your money tree!)

Thanks for the info :cool:

LOL :D Money tree - I wish.

Well, just installed it, went ok. Looks like it's my 7950 playing up then, same issues still there - system boots up, just before the blue login screen, monitor switches off - can't bring it back to life.

Oh well, guess I'll RMA it to XFX (don't laff anyone ;)) - and might have to look at buying one of those nice new shiny 8800GTXs - money tree growth dependant of course :D
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