ASUS AN32 deluxe - SIL SATA problems

18 Oct 2002
I have the above board and have 4 SATA drives on the NVraid sata ports - no problems

Tried to connect two more drives to the SIL 3114 ports and can get the PC to boot if raid disabled - but this disables the ports and no drives are there

If I connect the drives with ports enabled, it will only boot if I set the drives in a RAID configuration.

How can I simply add the two drives to the SIL 3114 ports as drives without RAID?

Running BIOS 1012 003 and latest 6.65 chipset and latest 1.4.3 SIL SATA drivers.

Thanks in advance:confused:
More information

The NVRAID is fine - disabled in BIOS and the 4 drives are just 4 drives - no RAID.

If Silicon RAID is disabled in the BIOS, then the ports seem to be turned off as well. Enable the SIL RAID and it hangs at the RAID screen unless I make the two extra drives into a RAID.

Not running any RAID at all and don't wich to at this time.

Cheers for any help
please help

Updated to latest BIOS (1016) and even tried just one drive - still fails to start - hangs at the text screen with the IRQ's.

Is therE a BIOS setting I'm missing to allow the ports to be enabled without having to run as RAID?

Or is there a fault with the board?

Anyone running non RAID drives on the SIL 3114 ports?

Thanks peeps
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