ASUS claim to have unlocked Conroes multi upwards via BIOS update...

8 Sep 2005
Read this on another forum and hadn't seen it here so thought I may as well post it.

Even more exciting is that ASUS says they have found a way to unlock up or down most Conroe chips. This will be a significant new feature that is highly desired by many Core 2 Duo buyers. It didn't take but a few minutes for us to get the new BIOS flashed and a Core 2 Duo chip mounted to check this out.

Anand couldn't get it to work properly from what I can see but it shows there's hope if ASUS believe it can be done. Unlockable multi on an E6600 would be sweet... :)
Jokester said:
That's an old article, they only unlock downwards as far as I'm aware. Certainly hasn't been anyone posting on the forum saying that this BIOS has fully unlocked their chip.


Damn you're right I didn't check the date of it... my bad.

Guess it was just baloney.
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