Asus Digimatrix - help

11 Jun 2003
The Shadows (london)
Hey all, there i was one day sitting there watching a movie and PAH my digimatrix died on me :mad:

i put a volt meter across the psu and it still shows the correct voltage but i know the psu might still be dead. i dont know how im meant to measure if it still has life.

i did open it up and couldnt smell or see any thing to sugguest that anything burnt out on the inside.

what should i do?


Without having a spare system to swap out components it will be difficult to eliminate parts.

I had an Asus Terminator K7 AMD system die. The power was still being provided, but remained a blank screen on power up with no HD activity.

Not sure what exactly had died, but the CPU from it didn't work in two different systems.

Tried different RAM, CPU, and graphics card in the Asus to no avail. So assumed the motherboard had died and took the CPU with it.
as Bane says. If you can try swopping things over with another one at a time if possible. O and you can short your PSU to get it to start without it being plugged into the motherboard. This would tell you if that works or not.
link to short start PSU
ok I think I need to be a bit clearer hehe. its a plug in transformer so its on once pluged it. I put a volt meter on it and it still reads 19v and when shorted it does give a small spark.

the machine does not turn on in any way.

im trying to narrow it down before buying a transformer.

thanks for the sugguestions =)
Transformer, usually right at the mains input. That said there could be a fuse in the barebones part too.

Do the fans/drives/etc start up? If not, jumpstart the PSU. If it's a standard ATX connector on it you need to short pin 14 (usually green) to ground (always black) IIRC.

If/when you get the PSU running you can measure the voltages and make sure they all check out. Standard colours are yellow/12v, red/5v, orange/3.3v, purple/5v standby. There's a -12v rail too but I can't remember the colour, it's most likely unused anyway, it's a legacy thing AFAIK.
erm well i think the transformer has those security screws on it so i cant imagine it having another fuse after the mains plug... but ill do my best to check that.

I did look in the barebone when it first stoped working and i couldnt see any fuses or anything of the like.

there is no power to anything in the barebone... no fansm hdd, cpu etc

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