ASUS E45M1-I DELUXE Mini ITX motherboard

I'm not sure. All I know is my current AC Ryan PlayonHD Mini has a 500MHz CPU and it plays Blu-Ray ISO and MKV without breaking into a sweat at all so I would imagine this motherboard would not have any issues.

I am waiting to see the prices because I suspect the E450 will sit somewhere around £130 - £145 which is too much and in which case, might be pursuaded by the E350 if that is reduced.
Yeah ... me thinks I might try and weigh up whether it is actually worth the extra cost. I mean, I know the E350 is more than enough for what I want to do, it's just the question of whether I wait a little bit longer for the E450 or not. Of course, the E350 has been tried and tested so there is some re-assurance there and new products bring potentially new problems :)
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