Asus Fan Xpert 4

23 Nov 2019
I can't figure out how to use this software. I have run the auto tuning, it's fine for some fans, others - it's not so fine. I thought that the point of the dots is that I can drag them around to create a curve. However I can only drag the blue dots left or right - which is no help at all. Am I doing something wrong?

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They are all PWM fans, I have not set anything in BIOS, unless it has been done automatically. What should I look for in there please?

I had a look in BIOS. First I think the RAM setting may be wrong. The setting is XMP=Disabled. The other option is Profile#1. Can you advise please?

In the BIOS, Qfan is set to auto. The fan power? settings are set to auto. The options are Auto, DC, PWM.
The Fancurve is set to Standard, there is an option for silent, turbo, full speed, manual.
I'm not a BIOS expert myself, but somewhere in the settings (probably the Advanced section) will be the Q-Fan Control bit where you mess around and set your fans for PWM control or to a fixed rpm, or manual control, and all that... usually for each individual header.
I recall having to alter these myself before Fan Xpert would let me mess around with the curves properly. You'll also have to re-run the tuning and you'll lose any previously set profiles.

I can give you a bit more precise info when I get home, as I need to see it to remember, but basically you need to enable full control in the BIOS first. IIRC, that means setting the fans to PWM and taking Auto off... Don't quote me on that just yet. It's been a long day!

Sounds interesting, thanks. I've not got profiles, so resetting is fine. I find it off why an Asus board, Asus BIOS doesn't work properly with Asus software. Nothing seems to be documented. Grr, I need a beer!
Drag top furthest right blue dot further right
Then do one to the left of it too
Then should be able to start moving them
Bit hard to explain but can't have 2 dots on same vertical axis
Probably wrong way to explain it

I tried it thanks, but it didn't work. I can drag the furthest right to the right, but I can't make a nice curve with the furthest LEFT button. I'd prefer them all to be idling at 15% at 0dec, but some are at 100%, some are 0% & I can't change them. It's a bit frustrating. I'm siutting here with a fan slowing down & speeding in my ear.
Oh, it works alright... the Fan Xpert bit, anyway. It's just not plug & play.
AI Suite is basically just an extension of the BIOS, really. Same for all the other mini-apps within. You just have to enable it in the BIOS first, kinda like giving a phone mapping app permission to access your location before your satnav will work properly.

I do hear the other bits, like the overclocking in AI Suite, can be a bit janky, so don't fiddle with them unless you really understand what you're doing.

Thanks, how can I enable it? Doesn't seem to be an option, unless I use "manual"?
Unfortunately, it's still having none of it.

In the BIOS, I set all fans to PWM, which had no effect. I then went back in & set all fans to manual. Still no effect.

Here's the stupid situation. Some fan curves are fine, a few are not. Below, you can see that a rear fan wants to either stop, or run at 100%. To my idea, that's just plain stupid.

I am unable to adjust the starting (base) fan speed. The first blue dot, I cannot move up & down, only left or right.

One last problem is that under the fan curve graphs, there seems to be a brown background from 0deg up to a variable amount. I cannot drag the start fan speed into that brown section. You can see in my link further up, that the whole graph has a brown background & this was why I could not drag down the blue dots.

What does the brown signify?
It's really inconsistent. Some fans the brown area is up to 80%, some 15%, some 100%. My fan extension card came with the mobo. Maybe I should buy another card?
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