ASUS M2N32-SLI Ram problem?

16 May 2006
I was reading on a review of ASUS M2N32-SLI Deluxe Socket AM2

VR-Zone said:
I almost pulled my all my hair out trying to get the right pair of RAM to go with the Asus M2N32-SLI Deluxe, The G-Skills in the picture above refused to work, the Cosair XMS8000ULs refused to work, even the XMS5400 CL4 pair refused to work. I had to settle with a pair of Kingston ValueRam running at DDR667 in the end, and that skewed the results a little... The RAM wasn't exactly the type of RAM one would use for a benchmark but who cares? I've tried my best man! Apparently, this seems to be an issue with many of the Nforce 590 based mainboards out there...

Is this true? I wanna make certain for a mate.
I'm messing around with the cost and pricing of setting up a AM2 system for a mate and ASUS M2N32-SLI Deluxe Socket AM2 seem to be the best Mobo out there - especially from a completely novice point of view (NForce590 is genius!)
There were issues on v1.02 or below boards with specific RAM modules, I received a 1.03G on friday from ocuk however I dont have a CPU yet. My advice is to stick to SLI certified corsair memory or at least memory that has been validated by ASUS for use in this mobo (check the manual).
thats exactly what Ive ordered, the 6400C3 costs a lot more and I couldnt really justify it as DDR2 prices will be falling during the next couple of months.

Reviews indicate the 6400C4 will hit 1Ghz speed with a boost in voltage while keeping the same 4-4-4-12 timings.
james32 said:
herd this boards sucks for overclocking.

Would be nice to hear why...
Coz so far - my mate's quite set on this mobo and the C4 DDR2 for his new mid tower, can't wait for Conroe - that's after reading 3Dguru's review - but he can't find the Foxconn version, so he's wondering if this will do - Perhaps ASUS's manual OC on this mobo is rubbish but the nForce 590's BIOS OC should be good, no?
From my recent experience in setting this board up from scratch it's certainly bleeding edge. I had the m/board with g.skill memory and it wouldn't even install windows XP.

On the advice of ASUS I flashed the BIOS from the 0203 supplied to the latest version, however, after a successful flash the m/board then failed to POST.

Having used the ASUS forums I now realise that I'm certainly not alone with the issues and the consensus seems to be that if you can get a m/board with BIOS 0302 or higher then it's better. With regards to memory then the Corsair seems to be the most stable.

I'm now waiting for a new m/board and a change of memory so that I can start again with all my new found knowledge!
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