ASUS Matrix R290X and Matrix 780Ti to get the full 8Pack treatment live streaming LN2 Benching and A

OcUK Staff
20 Feb 2012
John Smiths Stadium
ASUS have asked me to review the up and coming very innovative Matrix range of Graphics cards.

These are true high end offerings in both team Red AMD R290X Matrix Plat and team green Nvidia 780 Ti Matrix Plat guises. They are firmly aimed at the enthusiast with no compromise design and several unique features.

Examples of these features are a new GPU Tweak to accompany the card with even more voltages to tune and stabilize your overclock for both benching and gaming. This software has higher limits than has been seen previously and with a small mod on the card becomes fully unlocked. A redesigned cooler that is even better than one of our favs the DC2. Bios reload button which restores the card to stock bios in case of pushing it too hard or bad flash and for LN2 memory defroster on the AMD card which helps with cold bugging memory issue down to -70C. Most 290X are cold bugging at -20 - -40 or even higher without this feature. So at last no more black screen AMD benching!!!

Put this little lot with serious power delivery and ASUS could better my current favorite 780ti the DC2.

I will be testing the cards on there stock coolers first over the next couple of days here at OCUK and publishing the results of this testing here on the forum. I will be focusing as you would expect on raw overclocking and bench marking results.

I will then be streaming live world record attempts with these cards on LN2 Tuesday next week from around 11 am on our twitch channel @ so dont forget to tune in and see some serious hardware ragged for records!!!
I know system settings yeah. The cards will be tested live. So I don't know what they are capable of on LN2 till the event. You guys will see how I max out a card on LN2.

I will be doing air before the event so I can publish my review just prior to LN2 testing.
Ok guys I have my samples. Arrived late in the day so full review will come later.

LN2 will start us off!! ;)
Sorry guys had some technical probs with four way but gonna start ramping the clocks up live very soon
I have been trying along time!!! SInce 8-30am to be exact!!! 4 way when one card is different and so is bios is not easy to get working well.
I tried man. With four way!!! Maybe tough to run alone but I tried. I will do Matrix on its own next time I think.
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