Asus Maximus Formula, dead out of box

4 Nov 2004
Norn' Iron'
bought this board early nov, p5b died on me lastnight, maximus was supposed to be a xmas pressie but i got it early. built it all up and nothing. when i push the power button the fans move but dont spin up. few seconds later the same happens.

has this happened to anyone else?
thanks for the info guys, thought it may have been a short, tried it on a card board box and still the same problem. ive raised an rma anyway. if there is problems from the start i dont know what i will experience down the line.
Have you tried the RAM then? This has happened to me on every P35/X38 mobo I have tried whilst putting all the RAM in at once without changing settings...
what exactly happened when you tried all at once or only using 2 sticks in dual channel mode?

Even if I used 2 or 4 together, it would enter a reboot cycle, fans would spin then restart, would loop for ages. No POST or beeps.

If I put 1 RAM stick in (on the P5Ks I used this was random, I had to keep trying different slots) it would then boot, and I could enter all the BIOS settings. Then putting all the RAM in, no problems.
It could well be the ram at fault. I had problems with the Geil Ultra stuff with my P5E. It is not compatiable with the board. As your's is basically the same board as the P5E (says Maximus formula under the P5E sticker) that could be the problem. It will boot etc with 1 stick in but when you add more it has major problems. Corsair XMS does'nt work either. The P5E also ships with a bios that according to Asus does'nt support the Quads.
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