14 Oct 2006
West Mids
I am currently running an asus P5w Deluxe motherboard. I have been having some problems identifying the correct pins which I need to connect my front case Usb ports on the Mobo. I have 2 usb ports on the front of my case and have 2 lots of white,black,green and red wires. Any ideas where these go guys?

Many thanks in advance.
I'm sorry but I can't assist you today because I don't have any P5W DH Deluxe here, but I'll be able to help you by Sunday ( I'm not at home ).

Perhaps somebody will jump in and assist you earlier...who knows.

Don't you have any of the original USB Brackets that came with the motherboard to check if the color codes match ?
Check the manual or website as they will tell you which way round they plug on. God damned fiddly BS things i hate them as my fingers are not small. I hate them so much i have left mine off rather than fiddle about with them. I even subscribed to this thread hoping someone would post a diagram up :p
Tiny writing in my manual & tiny fiddly things to get hold of Meh, :p
Same thing with my case lights as well, i left them off because of there stupid fall apart fiddlyness (< made up word & poked in the eye of gramma/spelling Nazis :D )

Rant over & thread bumped :cool:
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