Asus ROG GL502VT monitor bleed

14 Jul 2007
Hey all,

I bought the laptop the other day and installed windows and then noticed the bleeding at the bottom of the screen. When I looked at the bezel there was a small gap on the left side but there was some type of white stuff (I assume glue or something) between the bottom lining. I cleaned it off and there is still the bleeding.

I've attached another picture to compared it to my other laptop monitor.

Would I be able to return it for another or not?

Cheers guys!
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You can absolutely return it, within 14-days, for no reason, so long as it is in its original condition. So think about how much you care about this bleed and act fast!

Thanks for the reply. I plan on returning it Monday. Do I just keep returning it until one of them doesn't have bad bleeding? Ever monitor I have had never had any of these problems.

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