ASUS Sli Mobo Sli Chip Fan Problem.. Again!

22 Jun 2004
Bangkok, Thailand (formally London)

Several months ago my stock Sli Chip fan starting screaming at me... I was kinda ready for this as it was a known issue with the chips. So when it happened I got onto Asus and they sent me a replacement (bout 2 months later!!!). The replacement is a revised model of the original fan as it looks different, and its suppose to be quieter.

Well after installing it, yes it was quieter... cos I didnt have that problem anymore. Anyway this fan has been fine for the past several months, but now I'm getting problems with this fan also?

Its not the same noise, but its making what sounds like "electricity flow". What I mean by that is the noise you would heard if listening to electricty power lines, a buzzing noise. Its definitely this fan making the noise, cos if I open my PC up and give the Sli chip fan a tap the noise stops then comes back again.

So my quiestion is, has anyone else experienced this problem with the replacement fan? If so how have you overcome it? Or is there another option I could take from buying a new fan/heatsink here at ocuk? If so can you recommend one? I'd prefer it if you have the same thing, simply so I know it fits!

Any help will be appreciated!


Steve M

P.S I assume its not a good idea to unplug the fan is it? Some people say its ok, whereas others say no! Im not overclocking anything in my PC at all nor do I play many games... mainly use it for working (building websites). My BFG is already overclocked, but that has a Zalman on it anyway!
Last edited:
22 Jun 2004
Bangkok, Thailand (formally London)
Well I actually looked at the Zalman NB47J but didnt know if it would fit properly over the nforce chip... but its all northbridge right?

So as long as it fits Ill give that ago I think... £4 odd can't be bad I suppose! Would I need a fan to assist that you reckon?

cheers okimanoob
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