Looking at building a server for my home network around this SFF, , you may have already seen one of my threads about it in GH.
The SFF states it takes "AMD Athlon 64 / Sempron
socket 754
800 MHz FSB " would it be safe to assume that it could take a mobile version of those CPUs, or would that not be a given and depend on bios, etc?
Is the hsf fitting the same on the mobile chips?
Power consumption is a big issue and its going to be idle most of the time so I want to have the CPU wasteing as little as possible, so if you have any other SFF ideas that would be low power, I'd like to hear them
Also if I used an ordinary sempron and underclocked it lots... would that save much power?
The SFF states it takes "AMD Athlon 64 / Sempron
socket 754
800 MHz FSB " would it be safe to assume that it could take a mobile version of those CPUs, or would that not be a given and depend on bios, etc?
Is the hsf fitting the same on the mobile chips?
Power consumption is a big issue and its going to be idle most of the time so I want to have the CPU wasteing as little as possible, so if you have any other SFF ideas that would be low power, I'd like to hear them
Also if I used an ordinary sempron and underclocked it lots... would that save much power?