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OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
Hi there

Though Asus is always in our top three of VGA brands and regular in no.1 position simply due to the quality of their product one issue for a lot of customers has being perceived RMA service being poor.

Asus generally offer great service for the reseller the issue being is your then in the resellers hands for RMA terms.

As of today, OcUK is launching Asus Turbo RMA service. What this means for OcUK customers is any VGA card you purchase from OcUK that develops a fault within the 3yr ownership period will have the following actioned within 48hrs of receiving your faulty card back and it being tested as faulty:

1. Replacement for identical card or next card up.
2. If GPU is EOL then a replacement to equivalent or faster performing card.
3. If a suitable replacement is not found then a refund at market value which should enough to buy you a same performing or slightly faster card.

All of the above will be actioned within 48hr of receiving your confirmed faulty Asus VGA product back with ourselves for the complete 3yr warranty period.

We believe this service now makes Asus one of the very top choices for a graphics card as you now have a UK place to return the product for the whole 3yr period with a very fast turn-around time.

So I hope this makes you happy and you welcome the "Asus Turbo 3yr RMA Service" available exclusively from OcUK.

*Asus B-grade items fall under regular b-grade 90 day warranty terms.

**Asus cards returned to us must be un-modified and free of physical damage.
Glad to see this being improved hopefully will be worth the premium

Sometimes Asus are very well prices, the 970 Turbo deal we did at £229 was incredible, to the point we sold over 1000 units in a week. :)

I am quite an Asus fan though, always liked their product and now with OcUK taking full control of the warranty for the full period with a 48hr service put Asus right at the top. :)
That's the bit I don't like about these promo threads, they bum something up and walk away.

Could well be a yes, but the silence shouts NO! :(

And normally allowing someone from the company longer than a couple of hours to respond would be nice, before arriving to a conclusion. :)

I have pointed questions I cannot answer to the RMA team who will answer within good time. :)

As long as the thread remains on topic about new Asus VGA cards answers will come, but those answers might come in minutes, hours or days. :)
If this offer is real then its a great service... But a quick look at the monitors section doesnt instill me with confidence.

Monitors is a different ball game as officially monitors have an on-site service, the reality is we take a lot back and simply sell them vastly cheaply than RRP as B-grade, take a look and see:

Unfortunately monitors is a grey area, either send back to us or use Asus on-site service.

Whereas it is very rare we have b-grade Asus VGA cards, especially for the volumes of Asus we sell.

Back on topic, Asus VGA! :)
Hi there

I also contacted Asus regarding cooler removal, their official response for OcUK returns:

So if customer ask, we need to give a clear answer => we do not suggest to do so, but if they do, than OK (unless damage is caused by replaced cooler or damage happens during removal / installation of a cooler).

:) :) :) :) :) :)
Great work Gibbo and OcUK !!!!

And to anyone who is unhappy with the above


It is a great service from OcUK & Asus, but how long will it last?

Didn't you have a similar "exceptional" RMA deal with Inno3d in 2015, but in 2016 it's a slow return to Taiwan?

Far easier to accomplish with Asus as all stock is held UK/EU base so turn-arounds can be sustained. Also we have agreed with Asus for EOL product to simply exchange not new gen equivalent product.

Inno3D is much harder when a product reaches end of lifespan as per 9xx series so we cannot exchange from our own stock and have to wait on repair.

The Asus service level is simply superior to that of Inno3D. :)
Does Asus offer this service for their monitors too? Heard so many horror stories of them taking ages to fix/replace.

Only thing I get Asus is mobo's as their warranty service scares me.

I do like their products, but with the premium price should come premium customer support. Nice to see it on graphics cards at least :)

It is just mainboards and graphics cards right now.
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