ASUS website + BIOS fun

25 Jan 2006
Is it just me or is this website painfully slow for everyone? Takes ages to get anywhere, and most the time it timesout.

Which is a really annoying thing to happen when you are desperatly trying to fix the failed BIOS flash you just did. Had to boot up the PC in the study, and good god is that heap of junk slow. Makes you appreciate dual cores even more. Managed in the end to download the BIOS, get it onto my USB and recover the BIOS.

Although it didn't work the first time, it found my USB stick, but it ignored the ROM file. Noticed it said reading P5WDH.ROM.. but the BIOS file on the USB was called something else (with all the version numbers etc) so I renamed it to P5WDH.ROM and it flashed.

Also the ASUS Update util is crap.
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