Asus X99-A 6F error

25 Feb 2016
Today I went to make a coffee and on returning my PC had turned itself off. On powering up it would startup for about 10 seconds, show 6F on the mobo and power off. No display or beeps etc.

I thought it may be the graphics card (as everything seemed to be powering on) so tried one from an older PC. Still the same issue.

After a bit more reading I tried pressing the MemOK button while a soon to fail boot up occurred. This caused a reboot after which the PC booted fine.

Can anyone help with what could be wrong? Whist I'm ok ripping stuff apart and replacing power supplies etc. I'm not overly knowledgeable.

If it's any help the other day my PC made a racket like a fan had gone wrong. After a restart it's been running fine until now. There are also 2 lights at the bottom of the mobo. PWR_LED is red and RST_LED is green.

EDIT: So the MemOK button allowed me to boot the PC. Not using it and boot would fail. I decided to reset BIOS to defaults and PC will now boot. I would still like to know whats going on in case something is on the cusp of failing.
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Thanks. I will give that a go. It's strange removing the overclocking, which has been running for years, has fixed it for now. I was thinking memory or CPU (but guess the mem ok somehow overrides a memory check so memory) and hope it is just a matter of reseating it. I have 4 4GB dimms, so if one is about to give up the ghost and it fails again, is it just as simple as removing them one at a time?
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