Asus Xonar DX Sound Solution

18 Oct 2002
Just in case this has not been mentioned I found that I was experiencing low volume and distortion through the speakers after an install.

I found that the power connector (used to power a floppy drive) was not inserted fully onto the card.. seems the power connector housing on the card can slide forward preventing a good contact with the cable. So push the power cable fully onto the card and ease the (white) card connector housing back if necessary. Bingo! Nice sounds!
Aye, I've had this happen tonight. Took me a while to get the stupid thing working. I found that with some cable management pulling the plug flush towards the card makes for a more solid contact. Gravity + thick heavy modular cables don't help much :rolleyes:

I knew I'd hate that stupid cable before I bought the DX, but I was too cheap to stump up for the Xonar D2 PCI :(
Its a nice card, just getting used to it after the Nvidia Soundstorm. Settings and interface is sort of neat, not too bloated or complicated.

The floppy disk connector is fine once fully inserted just a floppy disk. I remember a similar issue on another card way back (perhaps a graphics card).. its not so much the connector (that works fine) but the flimsy connector housing that moves or slides along the pins secured to the card when the floppy connector is disconnected. Bit cheap. I did this while testing the connection before fitting and it prevented a good fit when installing into the case. Simple to resolve when worked out - well at least for this issue.
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