Asus Xonar DX - Your EQ setups.

26 Jan 2005
Hey guys,

I just received my card today, installed it and everything. Nice step-up from my borked X-Fi, but it sounds a little "flat" to me. Not very punchy.

So... I was curious, can people post images of their settings for me, im curious as to what you guys have adjusted etc :)

I listen to metal and rock mainly, so any input with this in mind would be great!

Jihad im looking at you ;)
Well, i've now taken the time to listen more with no EQ, it does seem ok tbh, i think i must've had a bit of a fuzzy head this morning! Cheers for the advice guys :)
I didn't like any of the pre-set ones, they were all really strange...

Also, few more questions, in the main menu part, what does the "FP" stand for in FP 2 Speakers and FP headphones in the Analog Out drop selection??

And should i stick the sample rate to it's highest value?

How come there's no 2.1 option as well, unless thats covered under 2 speakers?
Weird, wonder why i have FP then, hehe.

The subwoofer works without enabling it though, so hmmm, i guess i'll just have a play around with that and see. :)
I think it does make sense yes, hehe, i did a bit of studio work ages ago for my uni course, but the theory went in one ear and out the other it seems :(

I understand all of what you're saying, i just wouldnt be able to say anything technical back at you, lol :D
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