Asus Zonar D2X drivers?

27 Sep 2009
My soundcard has suddenly stopped working. Tried re-installing the D2X-2.08(W10-PR) driver but it said it could not detect the card. The card is plugged in and powered with its lights on.
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You could try reseating card to make sure contact is good, but like said it not being recognized isn't the best sign.

Though of course some update of Wintoys 10 could just as well break more things than fix anything.
So you could also try some system restore to previous point to see if it has any effect.
Dont think there's been any Windows updates since it last worked. I'll try reseating it.

Is the Unified driver safe? Looks like a hack.
The Unified drivers are fine.

Every time a card has failed to be recognized it has meant a dead card in my experience. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you though. :)
It crossed my mind with my xonar D2X which fails to work in Wind 10, whether removing the card > boot into Windows > turn off > reinsert card > boot PC again whether that would make the damned thing find drivers.
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