At last

8 Jun 2004
Reigate surrey
A game magazine, thats not fawning over how great PDZ is?,, Game magazine gave it 6/10, a very mediocre game imo, which could have been great?
I like it. I'd give it 7.5/10

But I've not played multi-player yet so that could boost my score.
Holy vague thread title batman! :D

And, I agree... I've tried to give it a chance, but it's going on the MM.
I think it's an ok game, not the game it should have been though. The multiplayer over the internet is solid enough if you can master the controls.
I was under the impression that almost all reviews had slated it ??

Well..... when I say reviews, I mean independent ones and not ones from magazines called "Awsome 360 Coolness Monthly"
Come on.
Any magazine that has 360 in the title is legally bound to give any 360 game a high mark, that's just how it is :)
I only played that multiplayer, thought it was a load of rubbish, but hey, I generally dislike slow splitscreen gaming anyway.
i think its a superb game, hardly played the multipayer yet though but what ive played of it is good if you get on a fairly full server, 8.5-9/10 here
I agree it's a very good game. I'd say around 7.5 for the single player but up to 8.8 or so when the multiplayer is taken into consideration.
I thought it was above average, even after sorting the controls out.

At no point during the game did I think "wow", and most of it was fairly lacklustre in my opinion.
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