At last...



2 Jun 2003
In the top 1%

Im in the L club!

Just a stopgap until I can find somewhere to look at and then buy the 300mm F/4 IS. Canon seem to be quoting late August/ September for fulfilling back orders - I want to physically hold one etc before I buy one, Im odd like that...

I am so impressed I am a bit worried this might not turn out to be a stopgap though :p
It is indeed the F/4. I am allergic to HK imports at the moment so I paid a bit under £500 for it, which is the going rate really.

Have a sample from today, which was taken in horrible overcast/rainy light:

:D Probably not, no :D

I have been bitten by something and have had an allergic reaction to it. Over the past 2-3 days it has gone from being a small, normal bite to my whole leg below the knee being swollen up and it is getting too painful to walk on (I just gritted my teeth today :mad:)

I am determined to make it tomorrow so if it doesnt ease off before bed I will head over to the out of hours GP or something and see what they can do for me...
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