Atari STE love?

12 Mar 2016
Any Atari STE fans and users out there?

Back in the late 80s I was 9 years old and I saved up Christmas and birthday and had the sum of £80. A spot in the local newsagents was a Atari ST520FM with a box of games and a joystick. One day later I had convinced my Mum and Dad to let me buy it (although I really wanted an Amiga 500 they were well over £100 and totally out of my price range).

I spent hours playing interceptor and escape the planet of robots? And oriental games.


Fast forward to last year and on Facebook pops up a Atari STE 1024 for £50 untested. After a quick look and power on without a monitor a price was agreed and I took it away, bought some missing cables and a Atari to PS2 mouse adapter and connected it to an old TV in hope it would work and it does! It even has 4MB of ram. Roll on the 1980s!

Any other ST gamers out there? What's your top recommended games?
Rick Dangerous that's one I used to play a lot and Chase HQ.

I've found a box full of games but there unlabeled and some could be Acorn games also.

Anyone using a Gotek?
I had an Atari ST and bought a 40 meg hard drive for £450.
I also had music software Steinberg 24 and that computer earned me a lot of money with music and designing posters for places like Trentham Gardens.
Kick Off 2 nearly caused a divorce.
I had kick off 2 I could never work out if it was skill or just 'chip and charge'. Bit like sensible soccer never really knew how to aim at the goal properly.
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