ATCS cases - rose tinted glasses?

Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
Rather than take the "door / no door" thread off topic I thought I'd start a new one about the old skool ACTS cases. There seems to be quite a following for these amongst some of the members here. I include myself in that and love my 111 to bits.

But are we looking at them through rose tinted glasses? What I mean by this is that the cooling on them, while sufficient, is not up to the standards of modern top-end cases by Lian Li and Silverstone (in some models). Some of these top end modern cases have several 120mm fans and compartments to contain airflow for specific components (e.g. V series).

While the ATCS's are lovely cases and the quality is hard to rival except with a few cases now, it would be hard to get good cooling and quiet cooling, although not impossible. In the "door / no door" thread Harib0 mentioned that even 110's are now falling in price. Is this because of this very reason? Are they becoming like a very old Rolls Royce - lovely to look at, built well, full of nostalgia, but harder to live with day to day?
Yewen said:
Agree completely with what you are saying, but your after a silent PC, to get silence and very good performance you can only use 120mm, 80mm just do not cut it.

Have you tried a bungee mod if your going for low noise?

Another thing to try is to remove the screws holding the fans in and use silicone sealant instead (it takes a few hours to dry to you have to leave the case upside down, etc). I tried this on an old Globalwin 802 case years ago by accident. I'd lost the screws and thought I'd try it as a stop-gap until I found them. I found it so good I left it like that.

Once dry it's quite strong stuff but can also be removed easily with a bit of pulling. But what it does is prevent any contact between the fan and the case, which cuts down vibration and resonance. I may try it on my 111 next time I strip it down.
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