Ati 4850 HD Audio

3 Aug 2003
Plymouth, UK
Not sure if this should have gone in GFX or here, but as it's an audio question, will pop it in here.

Have noticed that above card has audio output, but tbh am not entirely sure how to get this working.

I have bought it for my HTPC and will be connecting it into a Onkyo 605 receiver.

Is it just going to be as simple as changing audio O/P of PC in control panel to HDMI, throwing a DVI - HDMI changer on back of card then connecting it to my receiver and hey presto, shiny GFX and true 7.1 audio from PC or is ther some other maginc that i will have to weave on the beast?


Cheers for th eresponses guys.

Looks promising.

Card came with a DVI - HDMI adapter which i am using atm , but just for video as am waiting for a hdmi switch to turn up as have ran out of IPs on my amp.

Fingers crossed

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